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Emotional Wellness & Personal Growth

We cannot go through life without experiencing pain, fear, anxiety, stress, sadness, loneliness, grief, disappointment, frustration, and uncertainty. These emotions are part of our life journey and a natural part of who we are as human beings.

It is healthy to acknowledge and make friends with our emotions. All our emotions want is our attention! They are trying to tell us that something important is happening inside of us.

As human beings we spend a great deal of time and energy dealing with emotional pain. Pain and suffering can be destabilizing, demoralizing, paralyzing. When we live in emotional pain we are unable to think clearly and rationally, realize that we have choices, take action versus reacting, and get unstuck.

Pain can also provide unique opportunities to learn and grow. In fact pain can serve as a catalyst to help us evolve into smarter, stronger, and wiser individuals.

Emotional pain can show up in different ways for different people. Do any of these sound familiar?

      • I am disengaged at work and I have a hard time feeling motivated.

      • When I get home from work I yell at my children.

      • I don’t get enough sleep, and feel exhausted and irritable all the time.

      • I’ve gained too much weight and don’t take good care of myself.

      • Conversations often turn into conflict and I lose my temper.

      • I feel stuck and have a hard time making decisions.

      • Change is scary and uncomfortable to me.

      • My life is totally out of balance and it’s taking a toll on my family.

      • I feel invisible and want to be heard, seen, and valued.

      • I’ve lived my life putting everyone else first and lost myself along the way.

      • I am doing all the right things and nothing is working.

If you can relate to any of the above, you are not alone. A lack of emotional wellbeing can have serious consequences on an individual’s physical, mental, social, financial, and spiritual health, and can negatively impact their personal and professional life as well as family and other relationships.

If this sounds like you and you are ready to make a lasting change, I invite you to have a conversation get to know each other.

If you are not sure yet, let me ask you, how well is your current approach working for you in terms of happiness, health, productivity, life satisfaction, and relationships? And if you could be in a totally different place six months from now, how willing are you to consider coaching?